This week's blog comes from Guest Blogger - Jason Elsmore, Senior Pastor at
Gateway Baptist Church.
Faith to move from
here to there
When we read about Godly leaders in the Bible, they all had
one thing in common. They had faith in God that He could move people from where
they were to where God wanted them to be. Without that faith, others would
never have taken the first step in that direction. Without the faith to step
out and follow God’s plans they would never have become the leaders that we are
still teaching kids about thousands of years later.
David had faith to believe that God could defeat Goliath
when no one else dared to take a step in the giants direction and take ground
from the Philistine army. Moses eventually had faith (it took some convincing)
that God could set a million slaves free from Egypt. The Hebrews would never
have left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea unless Moses had faith in God that He
could set them free and deliver them into a promised land. Nehemiah had faith
to believe that the walls in Jerusalem could be rebuilt and the city would once
again bring glory to God, while others seemed content to stay in the ruins.
A leader is someone
who has the faith to believe that God can move a group of people from where
they are to where God wants them to be.
I have faith that God can move our Church to plant other
Churches; to begin training centres for girls rescued from trafficking and to
baptise 1000 people in the next 8 years. They might seem like big steps of
faith for some of you but along the way there have been many other smaller
steps of faith. I remember the first time I had faith to believe that God could
save 1 person when I shared the Gospel to a group of young people and when I
had the faith to start a youth band when I clearly had no musical ability. When
you step out in faith in obedience to God people will follow and God will
How is God calling you to step out in faith to move people
from where they are to where God wants them to be? I pray that you will have
the courage to take a step in the right direction.