Friday, 20 July 2012

The Journey to becoming a Lone Nut

Watch the Video First!

I have watched this clip over and over again. It speaks to me about what it means to be a leader and it also inspires me to invest in emerging leaders who have the potential to turn a "lone nut "like me into a leader. I hope by nurturing these young, up and coming leaders and treating them as equals they can begin their journey of "lone nutiness"themselves, find a follower and lead movements across this country and throughout the world!

The first sign of a leader is followers. By definition a leader is someone who is followed. The first sign of a great leader however, is someone with the ability to identify emerging leaders. A great Christian leader spots something in someone and says "that's a leader", they invest and encourage, support and empower emerging leaders in the pursuit of growing Christ's kingdom not their own.

Bill Hybels in "Courageous Leadership" says "When I see a leader whose radar wand is spinning around to locate an emerging leader, or when I watch an older leader investing time and energy to coach and empower a younger leader, I am convinced that I am seeing leadership at it's very best" (Bill Hybels, “Courageous Leadership  (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 2009) pp122)

I am convinced that leaders must make this one of their highest priorities. Why? because only leaders can develop other leaders and create a leadership culture. Preachers and Teachers can't do it. Administrators can't do it, Mercy gifted people certainly can't. Only leaders can multiply the leadership impact by raising up additional leaders.

When a leader develops not only his or her own leadership potential, but draws out the leadership potential of other leaders as well, the kingdom impact from one life is multiplied exponentially. it produces far more fruit than any single leadership achievement could have. The impact of that leader's life will be felt for many generations to come. can you see why I believe this is what defines a great leader?

If you're a leader, and you want to be a great one, ask yourselves these questions...
1. Who are your followers?
2. Amongst your followers, who is emerging as a leader?
3. What can you do to invest, support and empower their leadership journey?

Whatever we do as church and community leaders we must create leadership cultures. We must identify emerging leaders, invest in them, give them kingdom responsibilities, and coach them into effectiveness. Then we can each experience the thrill of watching them soar. That will be leadership at it's greatest!

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